Karen Allen

Welcome to the world of Karen Allen, a renowned keynote speaker and thought leader who is on a mission to inspire positive transformation. We had the privilege of collaborating with Karen to develop her brand identity, and we're excited to share the remarkable journey with you.

Karen's groundbreaking methodology, Stop & Shift, offers a simple yet profound mental exercise that unlocks a world of possibilities. Designed to reshape your mindset and ignite a ripple effect of positive change, Stop & Shift holds the power to revolutionize both your personal and professional life.

As we embarked on this branding project, our goal was to capture the essence of Karen's transformative work. The result? A brand that resonates with her message and reflects her ambition to create a ripple of positive change wherever she goes.

Central to the brand identity is the logo—a powerful symbol of Karen's vision. At its core, the logo features a captivating ripple, representing the profound impact her teachings can have. It symbolizes the cascading effect that starts with a simple mental exercise and spreads outward, touching lives and inspiring growth.

Karen's new brand is not just a visual representation; it's a reflection of her dedication to empowering individuals to build healthier thoughts and take positive actions. Through strategic messaging, captivating visuals, and a cohesive brand experience, we've crafted a brand that embodies Karen's mission and resonates with her audience.

A view of a brand uideline that shows the bright vibrant cover, and two interior pages. The pages show brand colours and a business card.

the Blueberry House


Chilly Chili